My latest phone is the Google® Pixel 7 Pro.
I felt it was time to upgrade. The Outback had been given a bit of a subtle change in styling and gained some additional convenience and technology features that I had been missing. The move just made sense.
I wanted to move into something with easier to use cargo room and was also looking for winter driving performance. I was also doing a ton of driving so gas mileage ratings were high on my list. After looking at a bunch of vehicles I settled on the Outback.
If a car can fit in the class of “impulse buy” then this was it for me. Proof that I should not be allowed in a dealership to browse.
Moving on up! This was my first brand new car. I, of course, wanted all the bells and whistles I could manage.
Finally I owned a sports car! Certainly was no picnic in New England winters but what a blast in the summer to take off the T–tops and cruise around.
Some say it was a land yacht but the ride in a full size car like this was so much smoother.
Power options like doors, windows and drivers seat — which are almost ubiquitous today — were still a big deal when I got this. At least to me.
My first car!